Today's Prayer Time in Lahore, Pakistan
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Every Muslime Pray 5 time a day & for this he need Timetable, salat schedule & whole year timetable. We provide the Fajar (Fajr) timing in Lahore, the Dhuhur time, the Asr time in Lahore, Maghrib prayer times in Lahore, and the Isha (Isha namaz) timing in Lahore. Customisable prayer time calculation methods to calculate the proper time for your prayer. You may also see Lahore Zawal’s time updates, which include complete start and end time details.
Sun Set Time or Iftar Time in Lahore today is 5:12 AM, and Dawn Break Time or Sehri Time in Lahore is 3:41 AM. Lahore Prayer times, Sehri and Iftar times, and Fiqa Jafria and Hanafi times are also available along with Lahore Prayer times.
Prayer timing customisation
Prayer Timings for Lahore – You can find the Salah and Azan schedule for Lahore and the weekly timetable. You can also see the timings for each of the five prayers: Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. You can also find Qibla directions and Namaz timings with the customisable prayer time calculation methods. You can use this tool to calculate the appropriate Namaz timing, however.
Lahore Muslims can access the accurate and authentic Lahore Prayer Timings schedule online. Muslims who wish to pray five times in the city but are unfamiliar with the prayer and timing schedule can also get the information through the online portal. Using the given schedule, those who cannot access their nearest Mosque can also learn the appropriate Lahore Prayer Timings. It is now easier than ever to offer your prayers on time with this Prayer timing schedule designed for daily, weekly, and monthly use. You can bookmark the page on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. No matter where you are or what time it is, you’ll have easy access to prayer timings. As the Lahore Prayer Timings schedule is updated daily, you can always find the most up-to-date information.
Which are the famous masjid in Lahore?
- Badshahi Mosque
- Lahori Gate Mosque
- Wazir Khan Mosque
- Shaheed Ganj Mosque