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Today's Prayer Times in Lahore

Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
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Lahore Prayer Times

October 2024 Fajr at 4:49 AM, Dhuhr at 12:00 PM, Asr at 3:45 PM, Maghrib at 5:24 PM and Isha at 6:45 PM are the times for prayer in Lahore today. The Islamic month of Rabi Al-Akhar 1446 is the basis for daily prayer hours in Lahore. For the convenience of all Muslims, schedules for the Lahore salah or namaz hours are given for seven and thirty days.

Today Prayer Times Lahore | Pakistan

Prayer times in Lahore, Pakistan for today, October 2024, are as follows: Fajr at 4:49 AM, Dhuhr at 12:00 AM, Asr at 3:45 PM, Maghrib at 5:24 PM, and Isha at 6:45 PM.

The current namaz timings for Lahore are as follows: Fajr at 4:49 AM, Dhuhr at 12:00 PM, Asr at 3:45 PM, Maghrib at 5:24 PM, and Isha at 6:45 PM. A seven-day timetable is also available, including the city azan and salat schedule, covering the daily Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers. For Rabi Al-Akhar 1446 (October 2024), the schedule provides customized prayer time calculation tools to ensure you pray at the correct time. You can also access the latest Lahore Zawal time updates, which include full start and end times.

The current Lahore sunset time is 06:08 AM, and the end and the end at 06:23 AM., also known as Fiqa Hanafi (Sunni) or Fiqa Jafria (Shia) in addition to the Lahore Prayer hours.

The Importance of Isha Prayer

Before diving into the details, it’s essential to understand the overall benefits of prayer and the special significance of the Fajr prayer. Fajr is the prayer offered before dawn, and it holds a unique place in Islamic Shari’ah. It begins the day with a deep connection to Allah, bringing peace and tranquility to the heart. One of the key benefits of performing Salah, especially Fajr, is that it serves as spiritual exercise, helping to strengthen the soul while fostering discipline in a person’s daily life.

Lahore Prayer Timings

On this page, you can find the Salah and Azan schedule for Lahore, including a 30-day timetable for all five daily prayers—Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. You can also access Qibla direction and customize prayer time calculations to determine the exact Namaz timings. This feature helps ensure you pray at the correct time.

The accurate and reliable Lahore prayer timings schedule is available online for the city’s Muslim community. If you’re unfamiliar with the local prayer times, you can easily find the information here. This schedule is also helpful for those without easy access to a nearby mosque, allowing them to determine the correct prayer times. With daily, weekly, and monthly plans, you can stay consistent in performing your prayers on time.

You can bookmark the website on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop for quick access to prayer times anytime, anywhere. The Lahore prayer timings are updated daily, ensuring you always have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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Isha Prayer Time Today

Prayer Time in Lahore for October 2024 are:

  • Fajr Time in Lahore: 4:49 AM
  • Zuhr Time in Lahore: 12:00 PM
  • Asr Time in Lahore: 3:45 PM
  • Maghrib Time in Lahore: 5:24 PM
  • Isha Time in Lahore: 6:45 PM

Isha Azan Time Today

Azan Time in Lahore for October 2024 are:

  • Fajr Azan Time in Lahore: 4:49 AM
  • Zuhr Azan Time in Lahore: 01:15 PM
  • Asr Azan Time in Lahore: 3:45 PM
  • Maghrib Azan Time in Lahore: 5:21 PM
  • Isha Azan Time in Lahore: 6:43 PM

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